Featured Viewpoints
These are features viewpoints under discussion.
Consumer Protection
Issue Number: 1
- What is consumer protection and why do we need it?
- Who are we protecting ourselves against?
- Issues that affect our need for protection
Issue Number: 2
- What are tariffs and how do they work?
- What are the benefits of tariffs?
- Are tariffs a form of federal revenue?
- How to they effect our economy?
- Who pays for the tariffs?
- What are the tax ramifications of tariffs?
The News
Issue Number: 3
- Cable: CNN, MSNBC, Fox
- Network: ABC, CBS, NBC
- Independent: Cable Streams, Podcasts, Social Media Casts (by official people), etc.
- General viewpoints about the media, broken down by sub-issue
Common Viewpoints
These are common viewpoints and ground rules used for political discussion.
Our Civic Duties
As United States Citizens
- This is a baseline viewpoint we should all share
- Our country has protections against becoming corrupt
- It is our job to watch over those we elect to assure they do not become corrupt
Discussion is Required
Among those with opposing views
- This is a baseline viewpoint we should all share
- An honest and healthy discussion with those that have opposing views is the only way to get the complete picture
- There are ground rules when discussing a topic and natural reactions that must not be employed to assure a honest and civil discussion